
Referrals are welcomed from

  • Self Referral can be made by contacting us directly
  • Prison Referrals
  • Homeless Charities
  • Hospital discharge
  • Homeless Shelters
  • Housing Associations and Councils
  • Police and Probation Service
  • Drugs and Alcohol Services

– Support you will receive

  • An agreed Personalised Support Plan and Risk Assessment compiled by yourself and a trained support worker

Your Personalised Support Plan includes areas where you need specific support, goals you want to achieve and how.

Risk Assessments include measures that are agreed to reduce the risk. Which means we do everthing we can to keep you safe.

  • Registering with GP, Dentist , Opticians

We can support with completing forms and making telephone calls so you get to register with Health Services that will  care for your wellbeing, physical and mental health


  • Support with receiving your medication if you are prescribed any

We can introduce you to the pharmacist what we work along side with. They offer a door delivery service for your medication. They will also assist with the ordering if you require this service, which means your medication will be ordered on time and deliver to you, reducing the risk of you running out of medication

  • Weekly Support Sessions from a trained Support Worker

These Support Sessions give you the opportunity to talk about your plans, goals, worries and concerns, all of which is confidential and the information is only shared with those who you wish to have access to. These sessions also provide emotional support, having a friendly face to chat and off load is vital to moving forward in life as well as gaining confidence

  • 3 Monthly reviews to see how you are getting on and if the support is working for you

All of our tenants are required to attend 3 Monthly reviews. This gives the opportunity to reflect on your progress and also to refocus when things having been going so well. This is also the time to set new goals and how these are to be achieved

  • Assistance with claiming benefits and budgeting your finances

We acknowledge that finances are a part of life, having someone sit with you to fill in a form or make a phone call on your behalf takes away the stressful process of applying for benefits. We are here to help

  • Support with employment, education and training

There are many training providers in the local community, we can advise you on what courses are available and funding that can financially support you with education and training.

Support Staff will assist you with compiling your C.V which is a requirement for  most employments.

A good stating point for employment is volunteer work, we can support you to find suit volunteer work that works for you.  

  • Accessing facilities in the community such as places of worship, support groups, Gym’s

Our Support Workers are local to the community and have knowledge of the community and whats available. Information will be supplied on local facilities and how to access them, many of which are discounted with proof of benefits

  • Improving and maintaining daily life skills

This area of support is vital to you being able to live independently and safe. The service will support in all the daily life skills that we need to live in a clean environment, to live within a budget, develop cooking skills, take care of our personal hygiene and improve our overall well being

Aster Mental Health supports individuals on their journey to Recover from Substance and Alcohol Misuse.

We can support with accessing multi- agencies which includes Detox Nurses,Alcohol and Substance Services. We will also support with appointments and making referrals, The recovery programs are tailored to the individual to ensure the best possible out come  

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